Project Type
North-East Scotland College
Beauty and The Beast was my second real performance within my Acting Career/Education. Although the character of the Wolf doesn't seem significant at first, the character developed some really interesting character skills for me. The wolf/s appeared 3 total times throughout the performance. Throughout these 3 appearances it was our responsibility to interact with the audience as much as we could without breaking away from the plot. Our introduction was a movement piece presented with howling and growling towards the audience, our second appearance was a movement section fighting against the beast and lastly our last appearance was a scene between The Dame and Loon. It was in this moment that it was revealed that The Wolves were Vegetarians and French.
Some skills I developed from playing this character were:
Taking a look into animal studies for Wolves.
Developing a French Accent.
Audience Interaction.
Comedic Timing.
As mentioned earlier, the character to the audience may have not been significant however, my acting experience with the Wolf was.
I did however have someone in the audience want to take a photo with me, which wasÂ
Overall my experience with Beauty and The Beast was enjoyable, I loved the interaction I had between character to audience and it certainly opened my eyes to how fun Pantomimes can be.