Project Type
Theatre Performance
North-East Scotland College
Brick (Lead)
My Cat on A Hot Tin Roof performance was only 30 minutes long however it was for assessment purposes at HND level. The assessment required a lot of character work including accents, character hot seating, role on the wall and of course extensive rehearsals, therefore I thought it was worthy enough to mention on my Portfolio. My scene partner Morgan Jay faced a challenging set of dialogue, having talked for the majority of the 30 minutes however, that gave me a challenge in itself that I was initially ignorant of at first. Being aware of what's being said at all times and appropriately responding to what's happening.
Brick in himself was a character who suffered from Alcoholism, primarily due to a jarring past and inner conflicts with his sexuality. As mentioned there was a lot of accent work during this, the accents in which we had to perform with was Southern American. The thought of accents always scared me, in case it overshadowed my performance if I done a bad job at the accent, however, given time and dedication I can confidently say I can perform with a Southern American accent - hence why it's featured on my CV.
I would also like to briefly mention how awkward it was performing with a towel around my waist, fortunately I had underwear on underneath but it was still somewhat flimsy to work with especially when moving on and off the bed with. We did get the option of wearing something else so I decided to wear pyjamas for better manoeuvrability during the scene.
Some of the skills I gained:
Extensive accent training
Extensive work into character to then be able to Hot Seat.
Extensive work into improvisation
Work into articulation exercises
Extensive script read throughs
The majority of these skills before this performance I had already considered somewhat to "know them" but this performance opened my eyes further with just how much research you can conduct spiritually rather than just factually.
If you would like to watch the performance, it's featured below: